Find a catchy name for your
project with this AI-powered
project name generator

Powered by AI, this project name generator curates relevant and meaningful name ideas.

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Generate the most relevant names using the power of LLM (Large Language Model).

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Domain & username check

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List of 25+ cool and catchy project name ideas

Give your project a cool name with this project name generator

Give your project a cool name with this project name generator

Namify is a free online project name generator that gives you access to thousands of project name ideas according to the information you enter into its search bar. By simply entering relevant keywords and choosing the industry, you will be able to browse through a long and exhaustive list of valuable names.

There are many benefits of using this project name generator for your submissions and work. Here are a few:

  • Relevant names guaranteed Namify’s intuitive and intelligent technology sorts through irrelevant names, offering you only meaningful and sensible ones in the end.
  • Unique names promised You can expect unique and memorable names that will be hard to forget.
  • Domain names secured Don’t fret about the availability of domain names for your chosen name. Namify shows you available domain extensions for each name.

This project name generator will help you perfectly represent your work

brand name generator

This project name generator will help you perfectly represent your work

Whether your project is academic or entrepreneurial, it deserves an amazing name. Namify is a project name generator that gives you thousands of amazing project name ideas, all in one place. There’s no waiting time, no brainstorming period, and no frustration – all you have to do is enter specific keywords, and voila! You can choose from countless suggestions in an instant.Here are a few reasons why you should use Namify to find project names. It won’t let you down!

  • Namify gives you sincere suggestions that are relevant and useful.
  • Namify lets you check domain name availability on relevant domain extensions for your desired name.
  • Namify offers you a free logo to enhance the value of your project even further.

Channel the power of new domain extensions into your project

Whether you’re a student, employee, or entrepreneur - finding the right project name and registering its domain name can be beneficial for you. Project name generators like Namify let you choose from new domain extensions such as .store, .online, .tech, .site, .fun, .space, .uno, etc., so that you don’t have to compromise on your chosen name.

Below are a few ways in which you can use new domain extensions to your advantage with Namify:

  • www.[phrase + geo].site
  • www.[project name + industry niche].tech
  • www.[science + project name].tech
  • www.[geo + project name].online
  • www.[name + subject].space
  • www.[subject + industry].tech

The most preferred name generator by experts

Experts recommend Namify as the most effective name generator. Watch these videos by Ali Mirza (Growth Marketer & Digital Entrepreneur), Timoté Chanut (Entrepreneur and Tech Educator) and Marty Englander (Entrepreneur & Web Developer) to know why.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)


When choosing a project name for your work, you should research your field and decide on keywords that define your submission well. Then, you can use these keywords in a project name generator and gain access to thousands of memorable and catchy names for your project. It’s also a good idea to ask for some feedback on selected names by trusted friends, classmates, and family members.